In Memory

Graham Sheffy

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06/19/08 10:24 PM #1    

Vickie Powell (Bennett)

Graham passed away September 3,2006 in College Station.

Graham and Karen have a son Gabe Sheffy and daughter Brittany Spaw.

Grandchildren - Amanda, Kendra, Caleb, Chase, Peyton and Morgan Spaw. Madison McKean, Reagan and Tyler Sheffy.

Also hoping to have some photos of Graham's family from Brittany.

He will be missed as we gather for our Reunion.

07/03/08 03:53 PM #2    

Scott Moran

Once when we were asked to grade each other's math practice tests, mine was passed to Graham for grading. I think I probably did better, but when I got it back, Graham had graded my paper with a big fat F. I am going to return the favor and grade Graham's final exam. I am giving his life big fat F's. The first F I submit Graham deserves is, "Well done, good and FAITHFUL servant." I visited Graham and Karen a good bit, because my Jake, Allison and Angela were in College Station attending A&M where the Sheffys resided. Near the end, when Graham weighed very little and knew he didn't have much time left, he openly shared his faith, and it was strong! The second F Graham should get is for his devotion to FAMILY. He was the wonderful son of Ted and Dorothy, a close brother to Sheryl Beth and Virginia, a loving husband to Karen, and the proud father of Gabe and Brittany. The third F that I believe every one of us who knew and loved Graham will concur he deserves is that Graham was FUN. Can you say the name, Graham Sheffy, without a smile coming across your face? Even the pastor who spoke at his funeral service both cried and laughed out loud about Graham's antics. You deserve these F's, our FINE FRIEND from the Class of 68, Graham Sheffy! (One more F: FRUITFUL, Karen and Graham are grandparents to nine grandchildren!)

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